Becoming a Rootstock Collective Builder

Builders of the Collective
Please use the following template for submitting your proposal to join the Builder Rewards!
Please keep the same names for off-chain and on-chain proposals.

Builder Activation for Collective Rewards Off-chain Proposal Template

Suggested title:
Suggested Title: [YYMM Collective Rewards] Protocol Name

Suggested description:

Project Name:

Submission Date:

Team: Feel free to include the founders’ backgrounds, LI profile
links, short bio, if you think this might help the community to vote for your Project.

Sector: Payments / Remittance …etc

Project Stage:

Links to Deck / Video / Images: Paste only self-hosted links accessible to community

Links to socials:



Product: Describe your products. What are the main features? How your product adds value to the Rootstock ecosystem. And if there is synergy with other projects on Rootstock?

Traction: What are some of your key achievements (user count, community numbers, number of trx, TVL)?

